Augment Energy
Proprietary Program with Dedicated Support
Energy Regeneration Program™
1) Generate energy for all three dimensions of your Being (Body, Mind, Soul).
Why? All three dimensions affect each other. Targeting them all enables a “multiplier effect”
Find YOUR modalities (practices) for each dimension and execute them daily with the right dosage, sequence, and trade-offs (for when you can't fit it all in one day).
2) Preserve energy by identifying and remediating internal and external stressors.
Why? Unattended stressors cause energy leaks that decrease the energy we generate.
How? Systematically review all possible internal and external stressors and proactively and consciously accept or eliminate their existence.
3) Invest your energy in positive, life-promoting endeavors
Why? No purpose is more fulfilling and provides more contentment than aligning with Life.
How? Access Wisdom and Truth, and ensure that you embody them in real life daily.
Dedicated Support
Executing the 3-Step Energy Regeneration Program™ is a very daunting challenge.
Reasons (2) why execution is so daunting:
1) Experiencing all layers of our existence inevitably leads to the experiential realization that we are more than what our ego-mind has us believe. Our ego-mind is shaped by foundational beliefs based on what we hear and observe from our family and society from age one to seven. The more time passes after the age of seven, the more we are invested in those beliefs, and the more they forge our identity. The ego exists to affirm and defend that identity based on those foundational beliefs. Therefore, the ego tends to avoid exploring other dimensions of our Being. It prefers the Status Quo, even when it equates to misery.
2) Another difficulty we face is how our brains are wired for "Safety First," i.e., for detecting and addressing perceived threats. We have 70,000 thoughts a day, and 90% of them are negative. Up to ninety percent of our brain's energy is spent detecting and responding to perceived dangers to our body and/or ego at the expense of our intentionality and agency. In other words, we spend most of our lives "reacting" rather than "acting." Change is seen as a threat to our brains. Status Quo is not.
Support Mechanisms Our “Dedicated Support” relates to your daily implementation of the 3-Step Energy Regeneration Program™. We meet you in the "trenches" of your life (not in fancy retreats or buildings). We provide a container, a mirror, and a sounding board that increases your self-awareness, intentionality, and agency. We co-observe and help you close the gap between what you know and what you do. We sure have our own journeys, and we sure have favorite practices that we do share. However, we do not deem our practices universally applicable or attractive. We recognize that thousands of well-being practices have evidence of working for both Westerners and Easterners, and we believe that the best practices are ones that the practitioners believe in 100%, given their life and cultural experience. One could also argue that the Placebo Effect shows that beliefs, more than "evidence per se," drive the impact of practices. Ultimately, we wish to be a compassionate peer on a shared journey to have it all: material, social, and spiritual accomplishments leading to self-realization. To do all that, we propose a weekly structured human-to-human conversation. These conversations are deeply informed, compassionate, and nonjudgemental sessions that respect the mutual value of our time because
time, the sum of every moment, is "ALL" we really "have".
Weekly Coaching Sessions - in-person and/or online
Annual Retreat
Feeling stressed? Leaking vital energy daily? Being overwhelmed by the ever-increasing demands on you. Not knowing where to start to align your body, mind and spirit so that you can have maximum energy? Wondering what's the best way to use that energy?
Please reach us at
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