Holy Retirement. Happy not to be leading anything for a minute, I started to work on my retirement plan at the beginning of 2022. Could I simply maintain what I was doing (meditate, play, connect, learn, and create) for the rest of my life? Could I live that simple but 'oh-so-exciting' dream of getting paid for the performance of my financial assets and doing what I want every day? I started a planning exercise with my wealth manager and realized that YES, it could be done. My plan assumed a conservative return on assets invested but it sure required an average "growth" rate over my remaining lifetime. I was going to be the happiest fifty-something walking on the earth. I was going to launch Regenerative.group, invent, collaborate, create, solve problems, and "give more than I take" from life. It all made sense, for a hot minute...
Economic Growth. Then, the next minute, I learned how Earth's resources are hitting their limits, and how many of them are either dangerously depleted or fast depleting. For example:
In order to grow our economy each year, which is a condition to maintain the financial performance of our retirement portfolio, we need to extract more and more of those limited resources which destroy the ecosystems that support life itself. Life itself? That is a tad exaggerated no? Well, I'm afraid not. In the last 50 years, our ecosystems got so out of balance that 60% of all mammal species have gone extinct...
Tough Questions. How can we live happily when life is disappearing around us? Can economic growth and physical survival be reconciled? How can we reasonably expect linear growth over the next 25 years when the World Economic Forum itself describes the next 10 years as totally unpredictable? How can we plan for linear growth when we know that our Earth's average temperature will most likely rise significantly beyond the 2015 Paris Agreement's 1.5C above pre-industrial levels? If Earth's resources are limited and if we have started the 6th Mass Extinction with only a fraction of the 7.9B humans living according to Western standards of living, there is no way that we can scale what we do and live better and safer! In this context, how can my own retirement plan get executed over time and how can billions of brothers and sisters benefit from the same well-deserved privilege that is 'retirement' without making the lives of our own children "unlivable"?
Solution. Market Capitalism excels at creating economic growth, more so than any other economic system in history. Economic growth has brought us great benefits over the last 400 years. Unfortunately, it has also created the giant mess we are in. In relation to that mess, I constantly read or hear experts prescribing a no-growth economy or, in other words, the end of Market Capitalism. Personally, I feel like our problem is not Market Capitalism (we actually need "growth" for the system we "have" to work) but rather the object of its growth and the energy that we use to produce it. Indeed, growing life-promoting products-services like organic vegetables with the help of solar energy can only be a good thing. Let's double down on that! Conversely, growing a life-degrading meat industry powered by fossil fuel destroys our water, forests, and ecosystems. Let's shrink that!
Now what?
Well, it appears that I (we) have no choice. We must change. Retirement or not. We must double down on Beliefs and Systems that promote life on Earth and we must shrink Beliefs and Systems that fail to do that. We must GROW, the right stuff, in the right way. We must leverage the power of Market Capitalism to do so. We must raise awareness and we must innovate fast.
Regenerative.group is a collaborative space for me to do my bit with other like-minded people. I do not want to be
facing death again thinking that I did not do all I could to raise awareness and re-invent failed systems that may wipe us off the map in the next 100 years. Regenerative.group is not yet an enterprise or a paid full-time job, it is just me trying to make a difference with my humble talent and resources.
Oh and what about my God-given retirement? Deep down, I do not feel like my (or anyone's) retirement fund will support the linear growth that we are planning for, no matter how conservative that number is by historical standards. I think that the world ahead of us has never been so uncertain. Proof point? Well, my first year of retirement is now behind me, and here is the summary of what happened: inflation reached 8%, my AMZN stock (big part of my assets as an ex-executive of the company) plunged 50% while the S&P500 plunged 18%. It was a rough year indeed and it illustrates my point about the uncertainty of our short to medium-term future very eloquently - leaving all externalities aside.
In conclusion, I now think about retirement differently than I did in 2021. For now, I wish to focus on helping change failed Beliefs and Systems AND take every opportunity I have to make more money so that I am less dependent on growth assumptions to fund my retirement dream. That dream itself also changed. It now includes avoiding the ultimate nightmare of a collapsing world for my kids.